In addition to the conventional on-site factory inspections, AZ Armaturen in Mönchweiler, Germany now also offers inspections using Photo Documentation as well as location-independent, real-time Remote-Live Inspection. In both cases, factory visits by the customer are not required.
Photo Documentation is currently used very often and is very popular with customers, as everything is immediately recorded in writing and with pictures. The inspection and test procedure is determined in advance between the customer and AZ Armaturen and is then processed and documented in the factory by the AZ inspection assistant.
When using Remote-Live-Inspection, the tests carried out in the factory are transmitted in real time to the customer’s inspector via a video headset which is carried by the AZ inspection assistant. The customer’s inspector can give verbal instructions to the AZ inspection assistant and can highlight details on drawings and on still images, which appear on a display on the headset of the AZ inspection assistant.
Both variants can be carried out for customers from all over the world, can be planned at short notice, are flexible in terms of time and can be carried out quickly; there is also a cost saving due to the elimination of travel expenses.